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Wall Tour (2 to 3 hours)

The authentic sites of the Berlin Wall come to life. In these places, we tell the stories of courageous people who fought for their freedom. We immerse ourselves in the time of the Cold War and show you how the division of Germany shaped people's lives – culminating in the iconic fall of the Wall.
Bild der East-Side-Gallery

 The Wall Tour takes you to these places: 


                        Holzmarkt 25

                                 East Side Gallery


                                            Platz des 9. November 1989


                                      Berlin Wall Memorial

                               Watchtower at Kieler Eck

                        Palace of Tears

                  Government District

             Brandenburg Gate

       Potsdamer Platz

    House of Ministries (GDR)

 International Press Center (GDR)

Peter Fechter Memorial

     Checkpoint Charlie

Gif-Bild einer moderner Rikscha
Ampel mit Ampelmann-Symbole in Berlin
Mauer und Wachturm an der Berliner Mauer Gedenkstätte
Bild vom berühmten Graffiti-Stück "Der Kuss" an der East-Side-Gallery in Berlin
Bild von eines Trabants (DDR-Auto)
Foto von Mauerweg in Berlin mit Schrift " Berliner Mauer 1961 - 1989"
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